The Difference Between Assessed Value and List Price

Often, sellers ask me why the list price is different from the assessed value. Today, I’ll break down the differences so you can better understand your home’s value.

How Sellers Can Find the Best Offer

Even as our market begins to cool, we are still in a strong seller’s market. If you list your home, you should be prepared for offers to come in fast.

The First Step To Buy or Sell in 2022

I hope everyone is off to a great 2022! The new year is time for resolutions, but how can you actually achieve what you want?

How To Prevent Your Home From Stagnating

Does it really matter how long your house spends on the market? How does days on market affect a listing? Today I’ll break down the answers to these questions.

The 3 Most Important Factors When Buying a Home

If you are a buyer in today’s market, you know how frustrating it is going from house to house without finding what you want. Many buyers don’t even know what they’re looking for.

5 Tips for Living in Your For-Sale Home

Your home has always been your sanctuary, your one true personal space, but now it’s listed for sale and will soon get a ton of foot traffic.

Predicting the Right Time To Buy and Sell

Can you predict the right time to buy and sell? When you turn on the news, you hear the national statistics about the market going crazy, but what about your local market?

Don’t Let Your Home Sit on the Market Too Long

How do you price your home correctly and avoid price reductions later? Many buyers are afraid to purchase a home due to rising interest rates.

Take Some Time To Slow Down

As we approach the end of the year, slow down and enjoy some time with your family. As a real estate professional, I know that I get caught up in all the craziness of the end of the year.

Aligning Your Goals for the Coming Year

Welcome to 2023. How are you going to align yourself with the new year? I’m not talking about resolutions. I’m talking about aligning your goals.

You Need To Avoid These 10 Things When Selling

Selling your home is a very involved process. You’ll have to do many things to make sure you have a successful sale. However, there are a few things that you don’t want to do.