Seller Tips

Predicting the Right Time To Buy and Sell

The market is constantly shifting, so can you predict when to buy or sell?

There is a shift in the market, and things are changing every day. Can you predict the right time to buy and sell? When you turn on the news, you hear the national statistics about the market going crazy, but what about your local market? Every area is different. Have you talked to your local agent to understand what’s going on in your own backyard? Make sure that you reach out to us, and we’ll inform you of what’s going on.

“Know what’s going on in your own backyard.”

Keep in mind that interest rates fluctuate. You might hear stories of interest rates going up, but do you know that interest rates can also come down? Do you know that there are programs available to get you in with as little as 4%? It’s happening in your own backyard. You just have to ask these questions when you’re looking to buy or sell.

We always know that seasonal selling seems to be what agents talk about. There are more people coming to the market in the summer than there are in the fall or winter. However, those fall and winter buyers are serious. Don’t worry about the traditional seasons—get out there and see what’s going on. The market is always moving, and there is some wisdom behind putting up your home for sale in different types of markets, but you need to know what’s going on in your own backyard.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us by phone or email. We’ll make sure that you’re ready for the real estate market.